Shivangi 's Birthday (2024)

Nikunj's Birthday (2024)

Hasta la Vista, Hrithik: A Farewell to Our Valued Lab Member Headed to Spain for PhD 

Sumangla Arora's PhD Thesis Defense, 16 April 2024

Parveen's Trip to France - CECAM 2023 

With Prof.Pedro Salvador Sedano  (University of Girona, Spain)   

With  Prof. Gernot Frenking (Philipps University of Marburg, Germany)

With Prof. Alberto Vela (Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico)

 With Prof. Judy Wu (University of Houston, Texas)

With Prof. Christophe Morell (University Claude Bernard Lyon, France)

Theoretical Chemistry Symposium  2023 at IIT Madras 

With Prof. Eluvathingal D Jemmis (IISc. B) | TCS 2023 at IIT M

With Prof. Swapan Kumar Ghosh (Distinguished Professor, UM-DAE Centre for Excellence for Basic Sciences) | TCS 2023 at IIT M

After discussion with Prof. Debasis Koley (IISER Kolkata) | TCS 2023 at IIT M

WIth Dr. Mudit Dixit (Senior Scientist, CSIR- CLRI) | TCS 2023 at IIT M

With Prof. Sooraj Kunnikuruvan (IIT M) | TCS conference 2023 at IIT M

With Prof. Eluvathingal D Jemmis (IISc. B) and Prof. Soujanya Yarasi (CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad) | TCS 2023 at IIT M

With Prof. Kazunari Yoshizawa (Kyushu University) | TCS 2023 at IIT M

With Prof. Anirban Panda (JK College) | TCS 2023 at IIT M

A great discussion  about two state reactivity with Prof. Gopalan Rajaraman (IITB) | TCS 2023 at IIT M

With  Prof. Saurabh Pal (Ashoka University) | TCS 2023 at IIT M

With Prof. Chaitanya Sharma Yamijala (IIT Madras)

With Prof. Ram Kuntal Hazra (Delhi University)

Teacher's Day Celebration 2023

Akhilesh's Birthday (2023)

Dr. Puneet's Birthday (2023)

Shivangi's Birthday (2023)

Parveen's Birthday (2023)

Nikunj's Birthday (2023)

Vigyan Kunj Bhawan Day (2023)

Abhiruchi's Birthday (2022)

Happy level-up day Dev (2022)

Happy Birthday Akhilesh (2022)

Shivangi's Birthday (2022)

Parveen's Bornday (2022)

Shivangi's Birthday (2022)

Farewell of M.Sc. Students Batch 2020-22

Farewell of M.Sc. Students' Batch 2020-22

Nikunj's Birthday (2022)

Nikunj's Birthday Bash (2022)

Nikunj's Birthday (2022)

Movie Outing (2022)

Vigyan Kunj Bhawan Day (2022)

Vigyan Kunj Bhawan Day (2022)

Vigyan Kunj Bhawan Day (2022)

The award winning Trio

Nikunj wins award for publishing in Nature indexed journal at ChemDay (2022)

New Year 2022

Nikunj wins PCCP (RSC) best poster prize (2021)

Sumangla’s Birthday (2021)

Movie out (before corana days)

Mess was closed 

Kashish from IIT Kanpur did SPARK intern in the group (2019) 

Poster Pose 

Sumangla's first visit in 2019  to IIT Bombay

With Prof. Pal

MSc + PhD = Smile?

Metal or No-metal: One problem two solutions.